Article marketing is a traditional marketing procedure that has been successfully taken an advantage of by countless Internet marketers. In this article we will share some of the good things about article marketing and how it can be beneficial to you.
If you are a seasoned internet marketer you may know that articles can generate specific traffic to your site free of charge. But did you know you can also use this method to create income consistently driven to yourself? Using this method of marketing can indeed increase your cash flow if used in a proper manner.
There are many marketers involved with article marketing directly who make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year using articles to promote products and services. Some find it somewhat difficult to achieve while others find it easy it really depends on your level of committment. Using articles to promote a product/service and making money is not a new concept. It is however a different subject all together to get search engines to rank you high enough to send you the traffic you'll need to generate this kind of income.
This method is often called Bum Marketing as far as the net marketing world is concerned. It basically involves you to create articles that are targeted towards long keyword phrases that get low traffic but also have low competition. When you use targeted keywords it is much easier to direct traffic to one or more of your articles.
Articles can promote many different things. If your aren't sure what you are doing when you first start out it's a good idea to begin with an affiliate product that pays a good commission. Driving traffic via search engines can help get your own product off the ground and earning cash too. There are many opportunities for leveraging article marketing to bring in cash flow and this is one of them.
You must identify your niche's and use them to create targeted lists of potential customers. You can collect the email addresses of site visitors using squeeze pages or opt-in marketing techniques. In exchange of their email address, you can give away a bribe such as a free ebook, report, video, audio, etc.
If you want to succeed you are going to have to see the big picture and be unique. You might have to "give away the farm" to attract your audience and get them to stay. There is absolutely no better thing to do than build your own email list because it gives you the freedom to create a long term business.
Another advantage to writing many articles is that you gradually create your own library of content that is available to you. The article content belongs to you and you can use it anytime you want for any purpose. Your articles can, for example, be put together as ebooks or courses you can sell or give away at some point.
You can simply repackage the articles into a simple report that can be downloaded and read by your visitors or subscriber. Also give anyone who has access to your free report the right to give it away themselves, to have it spread around the net. This is a form of viral marketing that has the potential to get you free traffic well into the future.
By using article marketing, you'll be able to generate long term traffic without spending any money at all. It can help you grow your online business in a short amount of time if you use it the right way.
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