Do You Write About More Than one Topic?
You may have a main area of expertise, and then multiple sub-topic or different topics that you write articles about (some to pay the bills and others to feed their creative spirit). To avoid personal author brand erosion and solidify your expertise in front of the target niche that you write about, you must come up with a strategy to separate your various article topics.
A solution is to create multiple versions of your name or pen-names that you write under so that each one is locked in on a particular area of expertise.
Here's a fictitious name I picked out of the air to illustrate an example as to how many separate author names could be created out of a single persons name:
* Suzanne Jo Parker
* Suzanne J. Parker
* Suzanne J.P.
* Suzanne Jo P.
* Suzanne P.
* Suzi P.
* SJ Parker
* S. Parker
You get the idea. Each of these author names is STILL the same person, yet you can choose to lock each variation of the name to a separate topic to write your articles about. When using this strategy, a person reading your article may attempt to read others that you've written, but they will only see your other articles about the same topic. There will be no author brand erosion.
Example: "Suzanne J. Parker" would write articles
about Financial investing, and "Suzi Jo Parker"
would write articles about basketball.
In the offline world, this multiple author brands issue is also a factor, but it is even more important for the online world where a reader can quickly identify other articles you've written when they are hungry for more. Give them more of the same quality original articles that they are already reading, but isolate their attention by only writing about one topic of expertise under one single author name or variation of your author name. This will strengthen your message and your author brand at the same time.
As a bonus to this "authors with multiple brands" strategy, it will be easier to track your articles by each unique variation of your author name that you used, instead of finding all of your articles of every topic under one author name.
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